Welcome to Urbana's Open Data website

Urbana is a smart, innovative, and globally connected micro-urban community. We are sharing City data on this website to engage, inform, and collaborate with our citizens.

  • Click the tiles below to see categories of data sets, or on "Catalog" (above and left) to see all data sets.
  • Click on the "Tutorial" link above to see videos on using this webiste.
  • For an interactive graph of City expenditures, please see our Open Expenditure site.
  • For descriptions of the datasets, please view the Dataset Catalog


Information about buildings in the City, both residential and commercial.


Financial information, both summary and detailed, about City expenditures, revenues, and other financial entries.


Police records as extracted from the records systems used by Urbana Police, with some information obscured for privacy.

Roads and Streets

Road and street data, including parking information.


Information about the Environment, including trees, parks, weeds & vegetation.


Information about Urbana's Market at the Square


Community resources organized by location.

City Government

This will take you to the full range of datasets.